Sometimes we need to dig into an old bag of tricks to innovate and disrupt. All marketing initiatives as with anything NEW, eventually provides diminishing returns. eMail used to be the cool kid on the block delivering blockbuster direct response results; now .6% response rate. Other digital mediums that are delivering less than stellar returns today are:
- Pay per click marketing, which has also hit an all-time-low delivering .6% response
- Online display media (banner ads) delivering under a half percent at .2%.
- Social Media was King of the Hill at once and now delivering .4% response rate.
The revived power house, Direct Mail is delivering an average of 5.1% response rate. This is the highest response rate ever reported by the DMA since the inception of the Response Rate Report in 2003. To further this “Disrupter’s” credit, the median household ROI / return on ad spend is 29%. Most marketers know this is a WIN.
Different direct mail form factors deliver different results. Over-sized post cards specifically let your business enjoy an average of 5.7% response rate. Print is Big notes that for every $167 spend on U.S. direct mail, $2,095 in products and/or services are sold as a direct result.
But why is this, you may ask. The UK Royal Mail, The Private Life of Mail, credits its increased effectiveness is because, “Giving, receiving and handling tangible objects remain deep and intuitive parts of the human experience.”
- 80% of all mail recipients read their direct mail.
- 57% noted that postcard marketing makes them feel more valued.
- 60% of the mail recipients responded that physical mail made a more lasting emotional impression on them, making it easy to recall as well as save.
Time to Interrupt Your Audience with Attention Getting Direct Mail
Not only is direct mail breaking new records in profitability, but USPS also has an affordable program for every size business, Every Door Direct Mail, also known as EDDM. EDDM enables you to target specific carrier routes for your mailer, eliminating prospect lists and making postage practically disappear. You select your target list based on your goals, craft your offer for post card printing and we take care of the rest.
- No mailing permits or indicias necessary.
- Guaranteed USPS compliance.
- No list rental fees or lists to manage.
Let us take the hassle out of direct marketing and let you focus on your priorities; the offer, engagement and fulfillment. We’ll provide a handy guide on how to create your post card so that it gets the attention it deserves!
Direct Mail Post Card Creation Tips for EDDM
Branding: Be sure your design reflects your brand. Clear placement of logo and product image, if applicable. Use social icons that your brand participates in. Clear website and phone number is imperative to quality branding.
Headline: Provide a BOLD Headline – Make Your Message Clear
Offer: Your offer should be compelling as this is your first engagement. You need to make it worth their time to call, email or go to your website. Try googling successful marketing campaigns in your industry to see if you can put a twist on this and learn from those that have already made a learning path. If you see it again and again, it’s working!
Call to Action: What do you want them to do? Would you like them to subscribe to a podcast, like you on Facebook, follow you on Instagram for a chance to win, download a brochure on your website, text a code to get a coupon, get a coupon on your website, call to redeem your coupon by including the coupon on the card, come to our store with coupon? Whatever it may be, you need to make this stand out alongside your offer.
And remember as you plan your mailing strategy, for every $167 spent on U.S. direct mail, $2,095 in products and/or services are sold as a direct result. Note the calculations for a 1,000, 5,000 and 20,000 below as you forecast your efforts.
Mail Circulation* Your Cost Estimated ROI / ROAS
1,000 $624.36 $7,832
5,000 $1,181 $14,819
20,000 $6,362 $79,810
Also remember that marketing is not one and done. It is many, many exposures to the same audience so you may get their attention. So, when you start to plan your next EDDM campaign, determine how many drops you want to do. This will dictate how many offers and variations of design you will be making as well. Give us a ring and we will be happy to get you started setting up your next EDDM campaign. 949.424.0839
*EDDM circulation dictated by actual postal routes; you may not select specific counts, rather choose from routes available to determine your direct mail circulation.