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Designed to Reflect the Best of Your Business

Sell Sheets Printing Services in Orange County

A Sell Sheet can quickly reach hundreds of prospects with a quick touch of a button if it’s created well—if you have the correct information. Here’s how to make one that works.

First, you’ll need to decide what type of paper to print your sell sheet. Next, determine the size and shape of the finished product. Once you have those basics, it’s time to start thinking about the layout and design. The format is probably the most critical part of the sell sheet.

Designed to Reflect the Best of Your Business

In an ideal sales environment, there would be enough time and resources to offer each prospect a clear, face-to-face sales presentation. There’d be coffee and bagels, as well as the opportunity to explain your firm and products in depth. Unfortunately, that isn’t usually the case. A solid sell sheet is required because time and resources are limited—and you may be contacting hundreds of prospects in a short time.

Our Sell Sheets are ideal for creating lasting impressions and are available on various durable card stocks, with a wide range of sizes and finishing options.

What is a Sell Sheet?

A good sell sheet has a few key components:

  • Your company logo and name
  • A brief overview of what you do or what you’re offering
  • The main benefit of your product or service
  • A call to action, such as “Contact us for more information” or “Buy now!”
  • Your contact information

A sell sheet is a physical replica of an elevator pitch. A Sell Sheet succinctly explains your product or service and how it solves a problem, often called a “one-page.” A strong sell sheet will be visually appealing, easy to read, to the point, and include a clear call to action. For many of your prospects, your sell sheet is your first impression.

A Sell Sheet is an important marketing tool for any business, big or small.

If you’re selling a product, chances are you’ll need a sell sheet to go along with it. If you’re unsure how to create a sell sheet or what should go on, keep reading. We’ll walk you through creating this type of effective marketing tool. On the one hand, it’s a plus since you have complete control over what information goes out to potential customers. On the other hand, this implies that a lousy sell sheet may turn prospects away when they could be perfect clients for your product or service.

Creating a concise sell sheet that is compelling is a delicate balance of design, copy, and marketing. It’s not easy to achieve, but getting it right can lead to substantial profits.

Sell Sheets are Simple yet Effective

A Sell Sheet’s primary purpose is to interest potential customers while giving them a quick overview of the advertised product or service. Also called Sales Sheets or Promo Sheets, these are typically 8.5″ x 11″ sheets with printing on one or both sides.

In addition to vibrant photography, Sell Sheets often contain a few words that perfectly capture the product’s or service’s essence. Highly effective sell sheets will also include specs and technical data about the item.
Most Sell Sheets, similar to promotional brochures, are printed in full color with high-quality glossy paper. Although a Sell Sheet is usually a single sheet, its content isn’t as in-depth as a brochure.

Sell Sheets are Very Economical

Sell Sheets are a practical and economic supplement to the more comprehensive forms of sales literature, such as brochures and catalogs. It is common for businesses to have multiple product or category sales sheets to help their sales team provide more focused presentations. Thus enhancing the decision-making process.

A sell sheet is a powerful marketing tool that can help you make a great first impression. It is designed to promote the best aspects of your business in a concise, one-page document. Creating an effective sell sheet can help you nail those all-important early interactions with prospective customers.

Our sell sheets come in an array of paper stocks, weights, and treatments. If you’re looking to market your target with an EDDM campaign, we have just what you need–USPS-approved sell sheet sizes and stocks.

Need help? No problem. Fill out our short form to Request a quote or call (949) 586-3800 for more details! We’ll be happy to assist!

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