Printex Printing and Graphics is excited to announce that we are now Minuteman Press. To explore our new website, discover our range of products, and place orders, click here. You will be automatically redirected to our new homepage in 10 seconds.
Oliver hails from San Diego where he was rescued by Pet Match Rescue in Irvine at the age of 2 and fostered by a loving foster mom until he found his forever home with Sheri. Oliver serves as quality control rep, assists in our marketing department and customer service. Oliver is the Laguna Hills Chamber of Commerce mascot and when not working or lounging at Printex he attends board meetings, chamber mixers and grand openings. He loves long walks at the beach, going to the mall and catching a flick whenever he is not working at Printex.
Contact us at (949) 424-0839 to discuss your next printing project.